Category: Site Related

  • Getting there…

    The site is pretty much complete, all the pages are valid and pretty much all the PHP is working, I may be adjusting some CSS over the next few days, but that should be it. 😀

  • Updates…

    I’ve updated some parts of the site, and added a page counting script. There’s still some work to do, which I may do tommorow, if I can be bothered

  • Site Complete

    zomfg? Ya, that’s right, I finally wrote my own comments scipt site thingy. 😀 There’s still a few things to write etc, but it should be mostly working. my old site still exists, I’ll put up a link soon.


    Jesus 😐 Do Apache, PHP and MySQL *all* have to relase updates at once? Oh well, shame I lost this though: Oh god, now FreeBSD release a patch for something, wtf is going on this week?

  • zomg it's back

    So, yeah, the sites back, server changes etc. I’ll post in teh morning when it’s not 11pm 😛