Author: Ben

  • Getting there…

    The site is pretty much complete, all the pages are valid and pretty much all the PHP is working, I may be adjusting some CSS over the next few days, but that should be it. 😀

  • Updates…

    I’ve updated some parts of the site, and added a page counting script. There’s still some work to do, which I may do tommorow, if I can be bothered

  • Site Complete

    zomfg? Ya, that’s right, I finally wrote my own comments scipt site thingy. 😀 There’s still a few things to write etc, but it should be mostly working. my old site still exists, I’ll put up a link soon.

  • w00t!

    My Athlon isn’t dead :D. it was the PSU that was at fault, I’ve replaced it with a temporary one for now and hope to try and get a replacement for the fualty one.

  • Athlon64 Dead 🙁

    WTF? I get back from college today, do my usual thing, get a drink and a snack, go upstairs and turn my desktop on. …….nothiing So I look at the diagnostic lights on the back..and…CPU dead. 😐 damn I’ve applied for an RMA since its still under waranty and hope to send it back. NOT […]