Author: Ben

  • News…

    Two lots of news. I got a new server, which I’m nearly finished configuring etc. See the my computers page for more info, and pics when I get some batteries for my camera I’ve also linked with the ZencoNET IRC network

  • Boredom!

    God, I’m so bored. I have so much college work to do, yet I seem to be not bothered about doing it, which is bad. Oh well.

  • Changes

    Changes, changes, changes. I’ve changed the layout on the site a bit, got the quotes looking ok, and I *finally* got around to a new logo. If you don’t like it, FOAD, ’cause I do πŸ™‚

  • Boredom Is My Bitch.

    *yawn* It’s stupidly early in the morning, I haven’t slept in… 17+ hours. Oh the holidays, such fun πŸ™‚ In other news, I’ve made changes to the layout of my room, changed some of my coomputers around, edited the site ever so slightly, and I’m off to the Download festival and Iron Maiden in December […]

  • Work, work and…uhh…work

    *yawn* That is the *last* time I do like 43hours of overtime as well as 3 days of college in 8 days. 😐 oh man I’m so knakcered. Oh well. Β£5.46 * 35 = 191.10 Β£8.19 * 8 = Β£65.52 total = 256.62 = πŸ˜€