Tag: uselessness

  • Even more useless electrics…ish.

    So laying around I have one of my old laptops; a Thinkpad T23. Now I’d added wireless to this like 4 years ago using a mini-pci card, only cause I was using some shitty antennas, the signal was shite. Even in the same room as the AP I was getting pretty much no signal. So […]

  • I am the world’s worst electrician.

    So as some of you may/may not know, I rigged up a switch (pretty poorly rigged up) to control the LEDs on the front of my case. Being a slight insomniac sometimes, I can’t stand any form of LEDs being on at night; I’ve even gone around my room taping up those I don’t need. […]

  • Lolz, theme.

    At last I’ve gotten around to actually doing a theme for this site. I know, it sucks. I half made it and other half was made by a generator. But at least it lends some individuality to the page. The logo is also shite; I suck at photoshop. There are many bugs to fix, but […]