I’ve finally started coding my site, currently the layout is exactly the same as the current site, not that that’s a bad thing, but meh. I’d rather get the backend code working properly before I even think about any form of design.
Hopefully using the templateing system that I’ve implemented I’ll be able to do layout tweaks without even touching the actual php code, and maybe even devise way of changing the template, whether this will be user based or not I’ve yet to decide – but the code is there.
I’m also looking into some spam protection, as I’m fed up of deleting the stuff, currently I’ve managed to keep it down by blocking one net range, but I’d rather not go ban happy as it may actually block out legitimate users – something I’d rather not do at all.
The code I have so far, whilst being really early on in the processes is a lot tidier than my old code, and I’m actually commenting it this time, so I know what the hell stuff does LOL.
For those of you who’ve seen parts of the code, I’ve stopped with the stupid variable names (I had shit like $cheese, before LOL) and actually used half sensible shit this time.
And the database is actually going to use proper data types this time, and some keys, so this might actually speed up the process.
Pagination is also on my list, as with 500+ quotes (well there won’t be soon, I’m cleaning that out, lots of repetition, and generally unfunny stuff), and 50 posts, it’s beginning to get annoying to read.
The worst part of all of this shall be transferring the data from one database to another. I’m not going to keep the site counter, that shall be restarted, and I’m going to – as I’ve already said, cleaning out the quotes database.
For anyone who actually is bored enough to want to see how I’m getting on, here’s the URL for the test site – bear in mind this probably won’t work half the time, due to me screwing with it.
12 responses to “I’ve started Coding”
BOD Wrote:
Pagination is also on my list, as with 500+ quotes (well there won’t be soon, I’m cleaning that out, lots of repetition, and generally unfunny stuff), and 50 posts, it’s beginning to get annoying to read.
Well whose fault is that your the moderator of the quotes DB :|.
Yeah well I don’t always think when I moderate stuff, plus deleting stuff from it is far from easy.
For those of you who’ve seen parts of the code, I’ve stopped with the stupid variable names (I had shit like $cheese, before LOL) and actually used half sensible shit this time.
El Rofl
the quote server is awesome, don’t delete nothing. We would lose millions of hilarious Merty and Duff quotes. 🙁
There are a large amount of quotes in there that just plain don’t make sense, or are just retarded.
That’s the point of a quote server.:-p
Yes, because quoting the same thing over and over is cool.
Unless it’s merty and school or dogs of course.
A feck chu BOD a feck chu
Lol, merty.